평온의 섬 A Small Island I Call Peace, 벌이 없으면 도망치는 재미도 없다 No Fun Running Away with No Bee
art festival
황병석 Hwang Byeong Seok
도구 시리즈 Tools seriesscroll down
황병석 Hwang Byeong Seok
도구 시리즈 Tools series황병석 Hwang Byeong Seok
이제 작품 캐릭터로 탄생한 각종 공구 형태는 수동적인 도구의 이미지를 벗고 자율적인 생명을 가진 존재로 의인화되어 각각의 인격체로 행동하는 모습을 취한다. 드라이버나 드릴, 그라인더 등에서 특징적인 부분을 추상화하여 만든 캐릭터들에게 감정을 투사하고 작가의 심리적 상황을 상징적으로 암시하게 하는 등 감정이입의 대상으로 만들었다. ‘토이 스토리’에서처럼 현실을 암시하는 다양한 상황극을 연출하기도 한다.
The artist, who majored in sculpture, always has tools nearby while working. He focused on the tool that stays by side during the time of conceiving an idea or preparing materials to the final completion, which eventually became the motif of the work.
Here, various tool forms that have been created as characters in the work shed the image of passive tools and are personified as beings with autonomous lives, taking on the appearance of acting as their own personalities. Characters created by abstracting the characteristic parts of screwdrivers, drills, grinders, etc. were made into objects of empathy by projecting emotions and symbolically implying the artist's psychological situation. Like in ‘Toy Story,’ various situational dramas that hint at reality are sometimes produced.